Tuesday 21 February 2017

Comic Design Layout

Library and web research

-Comic strips

Image 1
Mr. Pewee Sept 16, 1903

Image 2

-Comic Book

Image 3
(scanned from library bk)

Image 4
(scanned from library book)

Image 5
(scanned from library book)

Comics always have a similar layout. From what I have researched, the template is always seen to be in geometric shapes.

Looking at Image 1 and 2 , which are classic comic strips from newspapers, both are neat and simple in square and rectangular boxes, all placed in an orderly manner. It was the standard design layout used in the early days, printed on newspapers.

Comparing it to Image 3,4 and 5, which are from a comic book, the layout features geometric designs. Image 3 is shown in rectangular strips, giving an orderly template. Image 4 features different sizes of rectangles, through a mix of horizontal and vertical layout, still producing a quite consistent order of template layout. Image 5 portrays chaos through irregular rectangles of different sizes.

Through this research, I think that the comic themed trend should feature geometric patterns and cuts of varying shapes and sizes, portraying the design layout seen in comic strips and books.

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