The 1st week of lesson was an overview of forecasting fashion- what it is, how it works and so on. Through the presentation slides, I can thoroughly understand how important trend forecasting is in the fashion industry and business.
As an introduction to understanding the system of trend forecasting, we were told to read up on the Diffusion of the Innovation from the Trend Forecaster's Handbook by Raymond Martin. From there, we, as a group were to present our understanding and findings of this theory and how it effects the community and the fashion industry.
Apparently, the Diffusion of the Innovation Curve is a theory by Everett Rogers who first published his theory through books in the year of 1962. This theory was developed and studied through the results and findings of various projects done by him and his fellow sociologists.
“....Rogers was able to determine that, regardless of the innovation,
the pattern of diffusion through a particular group, community or
social tribe was the same.”
The Trend Forecaster’s Handbook
Raymond. M
Then, there is the Diffusion of Innovation Curve which i find it to be so helpful in understanding this theory.
It simply lets us understand the different people in the society and how an idea is transferred and adapted. It also allows me to see that I, as a designer should be an innovator, originating an idea, a trend.
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