Monday 13 February 2017

Pics- Graffiti

These images are graffiti on a wall, being a part of Nafa. 

I took these images as I find them to be a strong link to my theme of Comics. 

Modern Comics are mostly portrayed in graphic prints and illustrations. With the huge and eye catching fonts seen throughout the wall, it definitely has the same elements as that of a comic book.

Moreover, the colours are a blend of bright and dark tones which are the usual colour palettes seen throughout comic books of these days, for example in a superhero comics whereby a portrayal of darkness and light are presented to readers.

The mixture of a chaotic and orderly assemblage of graffiti can clearly be seen, being another clear similarities to that of comic books.

All in all, I think these images are a great link to my theme, especially in terms of design elements.


Fonts and words
Bright colours

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