Friday 17 March 2017

All it takes is ONE BAD DAY

Batman: The Killing Joke

Batman: The Killing Joke (1998)

Batman: The Killing Joke

I have always admired and find fascination in the perspective and twisted mind of The Joker. As quoted, all it takes is just one bad day. This quote is a strong understanding to what makes The Joker a villain. 

His origin story is about him being married and expecting a baby. To support his family, he tried being a comedian, but failed, so he resorted to being recruited by the mafia that runs Gotham. On one of the mission in a chemical plant, Batman appeared to stop the illegal transaction, in which Jack Napier (The Joker) was pushed into the vet containing chemicals. He came out alive but with a distorted appearance and mentality. When he tried finding his family, they were dead. That was The Joker's bad day. It changes his perspective of the world.

The Joker finds his fascination with Batman as he views the vigilante as the exact opposite of himself. While The Joker spreads Anarchy, Batman seeks justice and order. As seen in the picture above, The Joker understands that Batman has gone through a bad day, which results to him being the Batman.

This leads me to question myself...does it really takes one bad day for someone to cast away his morals?

Is this one bad day the line and barrier between a hero and a villain...between good and evil?

I think these questions are a deep insight on the psychology of a human being and should be researched and analysed more.
This could be a possible trend to forecast under the theme of comics.

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