Sunday 26 March 2017

The America of today......

Protest against Trump

Celebrities protest

Jan 2017 Protest against Trump's 'muslim ban', New York

Gigi and Bella Hadid

Women's March, Washington, Jan 21, 2017

Charlize Theron


Emma Watson, Miley Cyrus

With Trump as President of USA, 2017 has seen lots of various protest, from women marches to protests on the Muslim ban. This is a show that there is still faith in humanity.....that there's still morals in them that moves them to fight for their and other's rights. Who knows...maybe in the near future, the tense and hostile conflicts around the world, such as Syria, may slowly lessen...if people do start standing up and be determined for the right change...

With celebrities joining these protests, it shows that USA is united in their disagreement of the harsh rulings of Trump. And after all, celebrities have proven to be of huge influence to the public.

Thus it would be a good idea to forecast a trend that expresses the nation's protest and morals through the idea of superhero and villains, the concept of standing up for a change.

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